Kelly & Devin - Earth Air Fire Water

With Lisa Hunter, Colorado Wedding Officiant - at Surf Hotel & Chateau in Buena Vista

The Soul Of Kelly & Devin’s Wedding Ceremony:

Passion For Making Dreams Reality

When COVID hit and the world turned upside down, Kelly and Devin turned lockdown into an opportunity. They nestled into their home in their tiny mountain town and lived day-to-day life like an ongoing retreat. It was a powerful time for dreaming, planting seeds and bringing many of those dreams to fruition.

These two feel a deep connection with earth. To make a dream reality is to remember that we, just like the planet we live on, are made of physical elements, while also an intangible larger something that connects us all. Harness all of this, plus a potent dose of intention and passion, and anything is possible.

During their wedding passage journey, we did more dreaming. What would express the sacred nature of their connection and their marriage? What actions would make the ceremony itself an act of manifesting a dream?

Join in our photo story below to see what we picked to reflect Kelly & Devin’s lovely connection with each other and with earth, air, fire and water…

Meet The Couple

First let’s get to know our couple and their wedding party as they prepare for the ceremony.

Oh and Quincy the dog - our ring bearer!

Let’s Get It Started

The Surf Hotel is such a cool spot. I mean, it’s called the Surf Hotel, how could it not be?

Plus it was summer solstice - how perfect for these two.

Kelly and Devin had friends in a local acoustic band playing some excellent rootsy music as guests got seated, and for the processional too.

We prepared a table with items that had meaning for them - hand fasting ribbons, bundles of sage and a teapot for a cacao ceremony that they planned to do privately after the ceremony.

To bring in the element of earth (and air and fire too), some close friends stood at the entry with smudge sticks (the bundles of sage) to set the tone of sacred space. Each guest was blessed with sage smoke as they entered and as the processional began.

Ceremony Highlights

After welcoming guests and telling them what an important role they play in the ceremony, we invited everyone to participate in an opening ritual.

Each guest had a tiny bell on their seat. The vibration of the bells represent love, joy and light for Kelly and Devin, and by ringing them together, we created sacred space. Kelly and Devin started with their own bells and guests joined in, slowing the ringing as Kelly and Devin slowed theirs. Then we had silence while I blessed our couple with a sage smudge and guests said silent prayers and blessings for their marriage to come.

Let the bells ring!

We read an earth-based wedding blessing that spoke of wind and rain, shelter and warmth, as the journey of two becomes a life path of one.

I also shared about a quintessential moment - Kelly and Devin tending the flames of a fire that they had built by the river with rocks and kindling that they gathered themselves one starry night. When these two build a fire, it’s not just a fire, it’s a ceremonial fire - a consciously chosen symbol of vitality and manifestation. When they fan the flames, they are fanning intentions into fruition. There was something about that moment, and the way that they took turns tending the flame, that spoke right to the core of what their partnership is about.

There’s nothing like a physical symbol to bring the power of intention into tangible form. So we did a hand fasting ceremony, each ribbon fasted around their joined hands and representing a quality that they will actively bring to their marriage. For Kelly and Devin it’s Trust, Joy, Prosperity, Unconditional Love, Clear Communication and Cooperation.

Vows were shared from cards, written from scratch using my Vow Adventure Kit. You can imagine the heart and thought that these two put into their promises for their married life. It was felt deeply during their ceremony.

Rings were exchanged as symbols of the promises these two made. Every time they see those rings on their fingers, they will be reminded of the vows that they made on their wedding day and that will guide them in their marriage to come.

We closed with a blessing and…


Congratulations, Kelly & Devin!

May you be blessed with health, wealth, love, happiness. May you build your home and heart-based businesses and create the sustainable life that you envision, securely rooted in earth-based living. May you give birth to healthy, happy babies and grow a beautiful family. May you live your dreams. May you fan the flames of your mutual passion to envision and manifest, and may all your dreams come true. So much love, Lisa

Photography: Paul Joyner Photo

Videography: Addy Mullin Film Co.

Venue : Surf Hotel & Chateau in Buena Vista

Officiant & Ceremony: Lisa Hunter

*If you were a vendor and aren’t listed here, please reach out to us!

Lisa Hunter